A Heroine's Journey: Finding Purpose While Healing the Wounds of Codependency and Narcissism, ISBN: 9781772774245
A Heroine's Journey: Finding Purpose While Healing the Wounds of Codependency and Narcissism
  • By (author) Aaron Raymond

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Brief Description

What do you do when you find out that the people in your life are energy vampires - just out to steal your energy and suck the life out of your soul? The answer is to leave them in the 3D realm and go inwards and rise like the phoenix from ashes. "Can these dry bones live? Yes they can." Operating from a 5D Level through meditation and chakra healing causes you to manifest in a higher vibrational level; which is too high for persons operating in the 3D realm to reach you. Notwithstanding it is in the 4D realm that the battle for the mind is fought. That is why it is extremely important to control the subconscious thoughts. We are all energetic beings having earthly experiences while traversing the duality of good vs evil, light vs dark, male vs female; and achieving inner peace is where the body and mind come into balance. Come and take a journey with me as we walk through the thorns of the yellow brick road that ultimately led me to my purpose of becoming an Unfranchise Business Owner, Reiki Healer and Life Coach.

Book Details
10 10 10 Pub
Date of Pub.:
Jul 27, 2021
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