Partnerships, Loans and Insurance: Involving God in Wealth Creation, ISBN: 9798372678934
Partnerships, Loans and Insurance: Involving God in Wealth Creation
  • By (author) Lan'gat Pastor Wesly Kipkoech

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Brief Description

Partnerships Loans and Insurance are the current important avenues for wealth creation. If you are interested in creating wealth faster, you may need any or all of these for you to succeed in your endeavours. Christ told the apostles that the sons of the world are wiser than the sons of the kingdom! The world knows the importance of these factors but are the sons of the kingdom aware of how these can assist them in wealth creation?
The sons of the kingdom have a secret, hidden but powerful business partner who can also offer affordable loans and comprehensive insurance for their developments. However, not all of them know or involve with this important partner.
Today, this book, reveals this secret which has been hidden for many people and many generations. How lucky are you to read it today, dear reader! It is going to open your eyes to the great partnership with cheap, affordable loans and the best insurance you've ever heard of on earth! Read today and get to know the requirements needed for you to have this valuable partner work with you.
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Book Details
Independently Published
Date of Pub.:
Jan 5, 2023
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