Misha and the Purple Moon Prophecy: A Workbook for Personal Empowerment Through Self-Reflection, ISBN: 9780228855453
Misha and the Purple Moon Prophecy: A Workbook for Personal Empowerment Through Self-Reflection
  • By (author) Koller Tanya

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Brief Description

I welcome you, my apprentice wizard, to the next leg of your journey.

Now... what if I told you that we are all similar to great mysterious and mystical temples, and that we too have hidden treasures and booby traps scattered about deep within us?

I invite you to imagine the adventure of exploring the depths of your being as you uncover these hidden artifacts.

I invite you to imagine how liberating it would be to courageously diffuse your inner defenses and be rewarded with the beauty of the sacred gems that lie just beyond them.

If you are reading these words, know that you have been summoned to take the first steps towards excavating the powerful wizard enshrined within.

Know that as you unleash your own unique magic upon the world around you, you are in fact contributing something of enormous value and changing the very fabric of existence.

- Zuladar, the 111th wizard of Zauruktah

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Book Details
Tellwell Talent
Date of Pub.:
Feb 28, 2023
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