ይህ የልጆች ስዕላዊ መፅሐፍ የታላቁ አትሌት ሻምበል አበበ ቢቂላን እውነተኛ ታሪክ በሚስብና በሚያስተምር ሁኔታ የሚተርክ ነው። አበበ ከልጅነት የእረኝነት ህይወቱ ተነስቶ እንዴት አገሩን ኢትዮጵያንና አፍሪካን በማስጠራት፣ ለብዙዎች ደግሞ አርአያ በመሆን ያሳለፈውን ህይወቱን ልጆቻችን እንዲማሩበትና እንዲታነፁበት ታስቦ የተዘጋጀ ነው።
This children's picture book tells the true story of one of the greatest athletes in history, Abebe Bikila. Abebe Bikila was an Ethiopian athlete who won the 1960 Olympic marathon in Rome, Italy running barefoot. He was the first African athlete to win a gold medal in the Olympics. He was also the first athlete to win two Olympic marathons after winning the 1964 Olympic marathon in Japan. In both competitions, Abebe broke the world record. He competed in fifteen marathons, out of which he won twelve. This children's picture book hopes to inspire kids worldwide by telling Bikila's fantastic story of perseverance and determination.
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