Scientific Amusements, ISBN: 9782917260449
Scientific Amusements
  • By (author) Tit Tom

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Brief Description

The ingenious and entertaining experiments described by Tom Tit in his "La science Amusante" have long delighted the young people of France. These experiments can now delight English speaking pupils and students with this updated translation. Many of the physics and mathematics experiments described here are simple pastimes meant for the recreation of young and old, assembled around the family table. Others, on the contrary, being of a really scientific character, are designed to introduce the reader to the study of Physics and mathematics. Regardless of their nature, all the experiments can be carried out without any special apparatus and are consequently without the least expense. Instruments used include kitchen utensils, corks, matches, glasses, and plates. The book is very useful for the young physicist who wishes to entertain his friends. It will show him not only how to do things by which he can render himself more entertaining than the best talker or the best joker in the company, but will reveal to him a hundred things by which he can amuse and astonish everybody he knows. The book is equally useful for the teacher who wishes to create in his students an interest in science. It will enable him to illustrate scientific principles, and render his instructions as interesting as an Arabian tale.

Book Details
Date of Pub.:
Dec 22, 2018
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