The Concept of Fundamental Justice: An Exposition on the Basis of Societal Peace, ISBN: 9798359304405
The Concept of Fundamental Justice: An Exposition on the Basis of Societal Peace
  • By (author) Abusakeenah Ibn Maalik

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Brief Description

The Concept of Fundamental Justice is a discourse on the basis of Societal Peace and the fundamental causes underlying the absence of peace and happiness in individuals and societies. Society today is more interested in producing good citizens than good men. However, only a good man can truly be a good citizen. The Good Man is the wholesome man who has been educated to recognize and acknowledge the concept of fundamental Justice.
The Concept of Fundamental Justice delineates in lucid terms the relationship between peace and justice. Justice is the price we pay to have peace. Peace is the shroud with which justice is buried anywhere it is killed. However, there's an aspect of justice man has hitherto not recognized for fundamental acknowledgement. This is the fundamental justice without which peace is as elusive as a mirage.
Let's take our time to reflect on the Law of Fundamental Justice, for herein is the solution to the elusive quest for individual and societal peace which must needs be the precursor to the that inevitable everlasting peace all men must crave to attain. This law does not base its premise on any misleading assumptions, but rather on facts that are as clear as they are universal. It holds true in all situations, whether one believes or not, though its facts are more discernible to only those that are inclined to righteousness. The implication in a nutshell is that man would be living in self-delusion if he ever hopes for any manner of inner peace and happiness after he has been unjust to even only one aspect of his Self or any other aspect of existence whatsoever ...
This is deep, and interesting! Open the book to discover this hitherto uncharted field of knowledge.
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Book Details
Independently Published
Date of Pub.:
Oct 20, 2022
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Concept of Fundamental Justice: An Exposition on the Basis of Societal Peace, ISBN: 9798359304405  
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