Digital skills are essential. After all, technology's rapid evolution and rapid progress is omnipresent in our professional and daily lives.
It is safe to say that technology innovation has made us all more tech-savvy.
It is evident that the shift from traditional working methods to more digitally-focused workplaces is underway. Employers face a major challenge as they struggle to find qualified candidates for their digital skills.
These are just a few of the reasons digital skills are so important for you and your business. What might happen if you expect to get swept up in the digital revolution?
Digital skills are key to business productivity.
Competitive advantage: Digital skills are a must-have.
Digital skills can increase revenue and foster connections.
A company's online presence will be critical for increasing revenue as consumers move from high street shopping to e-commerce. Your website should allow customers to buy your services and also provide content that can be consumed by clients. This could lead to new business relationships or purchases. To increase revenue in a digital environment, you need to know your customers and be there. This requires a range of digital skills to engage, persuade and drive demand and loyalty.
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