The Psalms were favorites of the Jewish community to the extent that they were memorized and were sung in their various meetings. These same psalms were being sung when Jesus entered the world, and after His departure, they were used by the early church. Many of them are quoted in the New Testament, and we will be looking at those verses and how they are interpreted by the New Testament writers. This does not purport to be a critical look at either the Psalms or the particular verse from the Psalms singled out. There are a large number of works available for those who want to study language, style, and certain background materials. I have undertaken to choose a verse from each of the 150 psalms to comment on how it might prompt certain behavior from a reader in these modern times. Each verse or verses end with a Task for Today section in which an effort is made to encourage the reader to think about the verse(s) in light of today's choices and actions. The text is meant to be thought-provoking rather than a deeper unveiling of the original whether by language or by usage. The comments are those of the author and do not reflect the viewpoint or theological position of anyone else.