This heavily illustrated book is about the bony anatomy and physiology of the pelvic joints in never seen before detail. How and why pelvic lesions are created and their effect on the whole body. How to treat with new techniques. This is the topic the manipulative professions at the time of writing have been waiting for.
Osteopaths and Chiropractors know how to correct sacroiliac and iliosacral lesions. However, they recognise that there is an unresolved issue of why the joints return to their former lesioned position on weight bearing. This book delves into the underlying 'Pelvic lesion' that locks them in, together with the anatomy and physiology of the pelvic joints; how and why sacroiliac joint lesions lead to a self-perpetuating pelvic lesion. New manipulative techniques are introduced that are designed to treat a pelvic lesion. This is an essential book for Osteopaths, Chiropractors, and medical professionals.
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