The Via Dolorosa: A Pilgrim's Guide to the Stations of the Cross, ISBN: 9781312809338
The Via Dolorosa: A Pilgrim's Guide to the Stations of the Cross
  • By (author) Berlin Howard M.

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Brief Description

The Stations of the Cross collectively is a 14-stop devotion along the path called the Via Dolorosa that leads pilgrims through the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Roman Catholics are undoubtedly familiar with the Stations of the Cross with the 14 sculptures or paintings that adorn the walls of their churches or outside pathways. Apart from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, much of what we know about these places and their customs, are from the written accounts of many pilgrims to the Holy Land, some as early as the 4th century. There are several purposes for this book on this intriguing topic. Firstly, I intend it to serve as a source of background information for those who either have already made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and have walked from station to station along the Via Dolorosa, either alone, which their church group, or with the Franciscan friars on Fridays, or have made plans to do so in the near future. If you, the reader, on the other hand have not already visited Jerusalem, I hope that this book will inspire and motivate you to do so. Lastly, those of you who are unable to travel, this book with its pictures and information will hopefully give you the impression of actually being there.
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Book Details
Lulu Pr
Date of Pub.:
Mar 4, 2023
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Via Dolorosa: A Pilgrim's Guide to the Stations of the Cross, ISBN: 9781312809338  
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