We are at the end times or the last days of the kingdoms of men Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21. Satan has been ruling over this word with the preaching, bibles, and religions of men for 1680 years! But now the apostasy away from the Bible, one faith Christianity and the kingdom is ending 2 Thess. 2:3-11; Rom. 5:12-21; John 8:32; Dan. 2:44, etc. For 40 years Micah 7:15; 1 Cor 13:9-12 the Bible from God will break up and consume the kingdoms of men Dan. 2:44; Rev. 18:4. Satan will again, be kicked off this world at the end of the 40 years John 12:31. Christ will resume His rule in the second age of the Kingdom, which is the second coming of the Lord. The kingdom will not be restored until after the destroyer; the sun, along with the weakened magnetic fields of the earth, destroys the heavens and the earth by fire, much as he destroyed the world by flood 2 Peter 3. The love, power, majesty, preaching, Bible, one true faith system Eph. 4:5, kingdom, supernatural objective truth, and salvation brought down from above are as high as the heavens above the ways of men. The Lord's ways are exceedingly abundantly greater than any of us could ever have imagined Eph. 2:7; 3:20; Isaiah 55:9ff; Ecc. 7:8.
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